Jun 28, 2020
Julie shares a glimpse of season six as she interviews experts leading the way on defining and studying the future of work. She shares the top ten themes from her research and how leaders now more than ever will need to be inclusive.
Check out the full video series at
Jun 21, 2020
Back for a bonus round to share a new tool and video series Julie has been working on during the pandemic. Julie shares the five questions to guide your organization into the conversation about diversity and inclusion and practical exercises all allies can do lead inclusively.
Get all five questions videos and guides
Jun 14, 2020
Back for one more bonus episode, Julie would be remissed to not spotlight the LGBTQ+ community for Pride month. While allies engage in their support beyond just Pride month, this is an opportunity for renewed solidarity in these challenging times.
Julie shares her top three ways to demonstrate you are an ally in this...
Jun 7, 2020
Back by popular demand, Julie takes the mic to give her take on the recent renewal of energy for antiracism in America and globally. She shares the what this means for the future of antiracism, why white men are the key to sustaining this positive change, and three tangible ways for white men can engage as...
Jun 2, 2020
In this special bonus episode, Julie takes the opportunity to explore why now is the time for allies on racism.
She shares simple ideas for those that want to be an ally for African Americans.
Silence is not okay. This is the time to listen, to learn, and to engage in the conversation on race.
Resources Julie...