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Proven techniques, strategies, and tools to develop women leaders, build male allies, and promote gender equality.

Mar 26, 2023

Chris Jones is the CEO and Co-founder of Spectra Diversity, the creator of the only DEI assessment which measures the organization and the individual in a single survey. 

Together, we discuss:

  • What data to measure for a good baseline
  • How to dig through the data to tell a story by asking “so what?”
  • What the future...

Mar 19, 2023

Celeste Warren is Vice President of the Global Diversity and Inclusion Center of Excellence at Merck.  Celeste has over 30 years of experience in the fields of Human Resources Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Change Management. Celeste is the author of the book How to be a Diversity & Inclusion...

Mar 12, 2023

Esther Armah is an international award-winning journalist, a playwright, an international speaker, and an author. Esther is CEO of The Armah Institute of Emotional Justice (The AIEJ), a global institute working across Accra, New York, and London, and is the author of the book: EMOTIONAL JUSTICE: a roadmap for...

Mar 5, 2023

DEI work has surged in recent years, yet organizations are bracing for uncertainty in the markets they serve. With this uncertainty comes DEI budget cuts. Here’s why that’s a bad idea and how to push back.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work has surged in recent years, yet is showing signs of softening as...